English UK's course finder: the best English language, culture and history, at 400+ accredited centres
English UK course finder: your hotline to thousands of quality courses at 400+ accredited centres
English UK's course finder: committed to quality, so you can choose a course with confidence
Peartree Languages has always been well-known for its warm welcome and friendly atmosphere. Placing the student and the customer at the heart of everything we do to ensure everyone feels comfortable and understood in a secure and tolerant environment is our core value. Peartree is located in the city centre of Cardiff and is a language courses and training services provider first established in 2005. Our year-round provision offers bespoke and individualised English language learning both face to face and online. We work closely with small groups of learners on a timetabled basis (maximum of 6 students per class), individuals who require more flexibility and larger organisations with specific objectives to find exactly the right combination of learning solutions to achieve real outcomes. Our in-house team of friendly teachers, trainers and consultants are able to perform a range of services including assessment, teaching of all major EFL examinations / courses, teacher training, materials creation, webinar delivery, managing communities of practice (CoPs) and academic services such as proof reading or EAP support. Over the past three years Peartree has been selected on numerous occasions to deliver large scale online training courses and projects to a range of international stakeholders around the globe. We continue to explore multiple opportunities in this field. In the summer we operate a residential junior course for students aged 12-17 in partnership with UWC Atlantic Experience, located at the iconic UWC Atlantic College campus, the home of the International Baccalaureate. Throughout the year we also provide language classes for closed groups of juniors and adults at the CAVC City Centre Campus, benefiting from excellent teaching and learning classroom resources. We are members of English UK Wales and English UK Young Learners.