Member News
  • Displaying 961 - 965 of 1559
  • UKTI Business Opportunity: Peru - Delivery of training to Peruvian teachers of English- "Winter Schools"
    1 June 2015

    The Peruvian Ministry of Education (MINEDU) wishes to train approximately 400 state secondary school teachers of English on five three-week 'winter schools' during the Peruvian winter break in July and August 2015 in Peru. 

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  • Student Interview: Yoshinobu Murata
    28 May 2015

    Yoshinobu Murata, who is 30 and comes from Japan, found his course life-changing. He not only enjoyed travelling around England but used learning English in the UK as a gateway to explore Europe, a great chance for students coming from further afield.

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  • International agents discover the variety of English UK member centres in Eastern England
    27 May 2015

    The point of English UK inward missions is to show agents the full range of options in an area. And that was what a party of 12 agents got on a trip to the East of England in May.

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  • English UK member centres urge others to sign petition on international students and migrant figures
    19 May 2015

    English UK members are urging host families and staff to sign an online petition calling for students to be removed from the UK's migrant figures.

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  • English UK Wales - our newest national group
    18 May 2015

    English UK is delighted to welcome its newest national association: English UK Wales

    Formed this month, the group has eight founding member centres, including seven language schools and a further education college.

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