Member News
  • Q3 2023 statistics show 82% recovery for UK ELT compared to pre-pandemic levels 
    28 November 2023

    Q3 2023 statistics from our quarterly intelligence cohort (QUIC) suggest the UK ELT sector recovered to 82% of pre-pandemic business levels. 

    This is the third consecutive quarter to reach over 80% recovery compared to 2019.

    Comparing the data with Q3 2022, our Q3 2023 data shows a 54% increase in junior student weeks and a 40% increase in adult student weeks. 

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  • English UK staff visit Istanbul to meet Turkish partners
    22 November 2023

    The English UK team attended meetings in Turkey last weekend, to meet new agents and catch up with association leaders.

    Roz McGill and Naadiya Rawat attended the EuroAsia Agent Workshop, organised by Turkish agent association YEDAB. They also met with Eren Goker, president of agent association UED, and local British Council staff.

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  • Our sold-out StudyWorld China Roadshow starts next week
    20 November 2023

    One of our fastest-selling events ever has been our 2023 China Roadshow, returning after Covid. 

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  • Saudi Arabia ELT market report provides in-depth analysis of an evolving market
    15 November 2023

    Recommendations to attract Saudi students are now available in a report published exclusively for British Council-accredited ELT centres.  

    English Language Market Report: Saudi Arabia was co-produced by English UK and the British Council, researched and written by specialist market research organisation BONARD.  

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  • English UK welcomes new Japan-UK youth mobility agreement
    10 November 2023

    An extra 4,500 Japanese people can come to the UK on Youth Mobility Scheme visas each year, following a new agreement between Japan and the UK.

    The new agreement increases youth mobility to 6,000 in each direction. 

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  • ID Card travel for French school groups 'well under way'
    3 November 2023

    Following intense lobbying from English UK and others in the education and travel industries, we are very pleased to see that work is well under way to allow French school groups to enter the UK on ID Cards. 

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  • Insights into Saudi Arabia: Strategies for UK ELT providers to attract Saudi students
    2 November 2023

    The UK attracts nearly 60% of all out-bound English language student weeks from Saudi Arabia, according to new research commissioned by English UK and the British Council. The results show a notable 22% rise in the number of self-funded Saudi students who wish to learn English in the UK. 

    These are just some of the findings revealed in a research report, which will be launched on Tuesday 14 November, during a dedicated webinar exclusively open to accredited UK ELT centres.  

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