Member News
  • Displaying 936 - 940 of 1559
  • Get your staff Management Diploma qualified
    27 August 2015

    The Diploma in ELT Management (DELTM) is Trinity-validated and covers almost everything a modern manager needs to succeed.

    Book your place now and start the 2015/16 course on Friday 11 September.

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  • Download the 2015 English UK Member Directory
    26 August 2015

    Our 470+ members are located across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and they are all accredited by the Accreditation UK scheme.

    Download the full list of all English UK members in the new 2015 Member Directory.

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  • Student Interview: Thamir Alsubaiey
    20 August 2015

    'When I started studying here I didn't have words, except yes, no and OK. Now I think I might try to study my PhD at Cardiff University.'

    Studying at an English UK member center in the UK has not only improved Thamir's English but has changed his life plans too...

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  • English UK says goodbye to Marketing & Events Officer Laura Underwood
    18 August 2015

    English UK has bid farewell to Marketing & Events Officer Laura Underwood. Laura left the organisation last week to join an educational charity also based in London, and we would like to wish her the best of luck.

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  • Visa update: Tier 4 rule changes
    17 August 2015

    Following recent changes to Tier 4, the Home Office has published new sponsor guidance. The Home Office has also reviewed the guidance around supplementary study.

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