Member News
  • Displaying 786 - 790 of 1559
  • Closure of Language in London: latest information from English UK
    19 September 2016

    On Friday 16 September, English UK member centre Language in London closed.

    Students affected by this closure will be able to complete their course at another accredited centre at no additional cost.

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  • Call for proposals for undertaking English Language Market Report on Brazil language teaching sector.
    9 September 2016

    The British Council and English UK produce a series of market intelligence reports for the accredited UK English language teaching sector We are currently calling for proposals from research consultants and authors for undertaking a report on Brazil.

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  • Japanese government announces change in English language education at primary school level
    8 September 2016

    The British Council in Japan have reported that a significant change in English language education at primary school level has been announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (MEXT), which may lead to further growth in demand for English learning amongst young learners and teacher training.

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  • All our upcoming overseas events under one roof
    8 September 2016

    We promote our members and the UK as a great study destination around the world via a range of overseas events: find them all on our new overseas events page.

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  • English UK welcomes report urging government to rethink its approach to international students
    6 September 2016

    Students should be excluded from the drive to reduce net migration to the tens of thousands, and classed as temporary rather than permanent migrants, recommends a report published today.

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