Member News
  • Displaying 176 - 180 of 1557
  • Quarterly student statistics scheme data illustrates impact of the pandemic on UK ELT in 2021
    14 March 2022

    Top-level insights from the executive summary of English UK's QUIC 2021 statistics report show how sharply the Covid-19 pandemic affected UK ELT.

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  • Language schools appeal for Covid help from Scottish government
    9 March 2022

    The Scottish government is being urged to provide financial support already being given in England and Wales. 

    English UK Scotland has written to the government's Directorate for Covid Business Resilience and Support (SECBS) asking for its members to receive a share of a new fund provided by Westminster for businesses that have received no other Covid relief.

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  • English UK's statement on Ukraine: 4 March 2022
    4 March 2022

    We are deeply shocked and appalled by the decision of the Russian government to invade Ukraine. The consequences of this violent invasion and the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding will affect many people across the ELT community.

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  • Antiracism, the environment and English UK: an update
    1 March 2022

    We have made steady progress on our antiracism planAn early draft of our survey of staff and the ELT community on their experiences of racism and discrimination has been shared with the action group, which came up with an initial five objectives for us.  

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  • Warning re recent phishing 'scam' emails claiming to be from English UK
    28 February 2022

    We are aware that over the past week some members have received phishing 'scam' emails claiming to be from English UK. 

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