Agent News
  • Displaying 746 - 750 of 1368
  • English UK says a formal farewell to Tony Millns
    29 May 2014

    The achievements of retiring English UK chief executive Tony Millns were celebrated at a special dinner in London this week.

    During his 15 years in the job, Tony masterminded the creation of English UK from predecessor organisations dedicated to state and private language centres, giving the industry a single voice and pushing to raise standards.

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  • This week's UK news: 23 May 2014
    23 May 2014

    Get up-to-date with British news and culture with English UK
    Every week, we summarise the news to give you some insight into what is happening in Britain, and what people are talking about.

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  • English UK's 10th Anniversary Annual Conference: celebration, evaluation, exhortation (and some rather special cupcakes)
    21 May 2014

    The future is bright for the English teaching sector, but English UK member centres need to play their part by lobbying their politicians and working with the association to build growth.

    English UK's 10th anniversary annual conference was a time for evaluation, celebration, and a bit of exhortation from the outgoing and incoming chief executives as well as politicians interested in the ELT industry.

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  • This week's UK news: 19 May 2014
    19 May 2014

    Get up-to-date with British news and culture with English UK
    Every week, we summarise the news to give you some insight into what is happening in Britain, and what people are talking about.

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  • English UK builds business with Colombian agents and students
    13 May 2014

    English UK members and staff have returned to the UK after a fortnight building closer relationships with agents and students in Colombia.

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