Ask your MP to join parliamentary debate on UK ELT this Wednesday
29 June 2020
Covid-19's impact on the UK ELT sector is being debated in Parliament this Wednesday and, while there is no motion or vote, adjournment can be very effective for highlighting important issues like the difficulties facing our £1.4bn industry.

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English UK Summit to help rebuild a successful UK ELT industry
24 June 2020
To support and lead the way, English UK has announced a groundbreaking summit so members and international partners can share expert insight and discuss individual opportunities in one-to-one meetings.
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Visa application and English testing centres - reopening update
23 June 2020
Further UK Visa Application Centres will resume services in June and July.

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UK ELT and anti-racism: action group to be established
8 June 2020
Racism is unacceptable. As international educators working in the UK ELT sector, we strive to bring communities together.
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British Council extends accreditation to include online/blended courses
3 June 2020
The British Council have announced that their accreditation scheme will be extended to include blended/online courses with synchronous (live) teaching, starting with provision offered by providers already accredited by the British Council.

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