Visa extensions for students who cannot leave the UK
25 March 2020
On 24 March the Home Office announced provisions for international students who are unable to leave the UK.

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Webinar: Covid-19: online teaching with a long-term mindset
24 March 2020
Watch again: Covid-19: online teaching with a long-term mindset with Dan Thompson

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Update on English UK events, conferences and training
19 March 2020
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community, we continue to review our planned events and make the appropriate arrangements to follow expert guidance and reduce risk while delivering services as far as possible.
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Information for agents on Covid-19 measures in the UK
19 March 2020
We believe it is vital that our sector follows national advice as our priority must always be our duty of care to students, staff and the wider community...
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English UK: all ELT centres should close in line with publicly funded schools
18 March 2020
English UK is strongly recommending that all UK English language teaching centres should close in line with publicly funded education institutions.
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Webinar: emergency business response panel
17 March 2020
In such a rapidly moving crisis, we have two professionals with decades of experience in ELT and finance sectors to answer member concerns and questions about how best to act during this crisis.

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Supporting student wellbeing: the psychological impact of coronavirus
5 March 2020
In addition to practical measures, it is vitally important to also consider the psychological impact and potential mental health risk the current situation could cause international students, mitigating this wherever possible.
Expert advice from positive psychologist and coach Ruth Hughes...

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English language expert David Crystal to speak at ELT Conference 2021
2 March 2020
We are delighted to announce that author, English language expert, grammarian and multi-award winning David Crystal will close our 2021 ELT Conference with a talk on 'What's new in the English language?'

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