Agent News
  • Displaying 316 - 320 of 1360
  • Royal Wedding Celebrations
    26 April 2018

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are getting married, so students will be able to join some very British celebrations on 19 May. There will be screenings and parties all over the country, with lots of tea and cake.

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  • Meet the safeguarding experts at StudyWorld
    25 April 2018

    An opportunity to talk to our safeguarding experts, who will offer practical safeguarding suggestions to help agents and group leaders keep young learners safe. Topics can include police checks for group leaders, curfew times, risk assessments, parental consent, suitable accommodation.

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  • Meet the agent: a view from China
    25 April 2018

    Get to know some of the wonderful people in our industry.

    This week we talk to Daniel Zheng, the general manager of English UK partner agency Hope which is based in China. He set up his agency after working for the British Council in Shanghai.

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  • Course in focus: Legal English
    23 April 2018

    Find out about the Legal English courses available at English UK member centres across the country, designed especially for those working in the legal profession. 

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  • Course of the month: English plus Yoga
    18 April 2018

    What better way to relax after an English language class than to focus on your mind, body and spirit in some of the UK's most scenic locations?

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