Agent News
  • Displaying 196 - 200 of 1360
  • Covid-19 slashes UK ELT revenue by £510m
    24 July 2020

    The extent of the financial hit to UK ELT has been calculated for the first time in research done by English UK among its member centres.

    The research, carried out by Bonard in June, shows a £257m loss among the 145 participating centres. Extrapolating that figure to the entire membership equates to a loss of more than half a billion pounds for the first three quarters of 2020.

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  • Lords ask for immigration concessions for ELT during Bill debate
    23 July 2020

    The needs of UK ELT were raised in the House of Lords during the Second Reading of the Immigration Bill this week.

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  • Campaigning update: fighting for our industry's survival
    22 July 2020

    We are bringing all our lobbying efforts together with the publication of Teaching English to the world: how the government can help kickstart UK ELT after Covid-19, our policy position paper outlining 14 steps which would help the industry to survive, compete and thrive.

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  • New study flexibility for UK visitors
    22 July 2020

    In December, the short-term study visa (STSV) route will close and anyone who wants to study here for six months or less can enter on a standard visitor visa.

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  • Erasmus+ funding for blended course delivery
    15 July 2020

    The Erasmus+ UK National Agency have confirmed to us that from autumn/winter 2020, beneficiary organisations will be encouraged to offer blended programmes with a period of online learning preceding the face-to-face phase. Find out how the funding will work...

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