Agent News
  • Displaying 186 - 190 of 1360
  • Summit welcome address from English UK and Graham Stuart MP, Minister for Exports
    10 September 2020

    Jodie Gray, English UK's chief executive, is joined by Steve Phillips, a director at British Study Centres and English UK chair, and Graham Stuart MP to address delegates of English UK's first online summit.

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  • Summit plenary | Travel in flux: how youth travel experiences are adapting to the post-COVID next normal
    8 September 2020

    In this plenary session by Laura Van Eeckhout of Foresight Factory, we will explore how the needs of young travellers in particular have changed during these unprecedented times and how they can be attracted through experiences that are adapted to the next normal, yet as exciting and inspiring as ever.

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  • Five tips for making the most of a virtual B2B workshop
    8 September 2020

    Ahead of the English UK Summit next week, English UK's business development director Tim Barker gives his top tips on how to make the most of a virtual business-to-business workshop.

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  • English UK Summit seminars: The adapted UK ELT student experience
    7 September 2020

    These free seminars on Monday 14 September cover topics including how UK English language centres are reopening safely, accreditation updates, and details of the new student experience in the UK.

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  • English UK Summit seminars: understanding regulations
    6 September 2020

    The third strand of our summit seminars will focus on understanding new UK regulations including the new points based immigration system, legal agreements, and UKVI support available to students during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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