Agent News
  • Displaying 1061 - 1065 of 1368
  • English UK brings agents to Scotland
    16 June 2011

    Towards the end of last month English UK welcomed 13 agents from Central Asia, the Caucasus, other former Soviet Union countries and Russia to our Spring Inward Mission. This mission was both our first trip to Scotland and our first joint activity with two of our newest formed geographical groups, English UK Scotland and English UK London.

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  • Immigration Rules laid before Parliament
    14 June 2011

    New Tier 4 rules were laid before Parliament yesterday, these cover changes from 4th July 2011.

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  • This week's UK news: 10 June 2011
    10 June 2011


    Get up-to-date with British news and culture with English UK
    Every week, we summarise the news to give you some insight into what is happening in Britain, and what people are talking about.

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  • English UK Chief Executive takes part in Newsnight report on student visas
    9 June 2011

    The effects of the Government's intention to dramatically cut the number of international student visas was the subject of a report and wide-ranging discussion on BBC2's Newsnight.

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  • Student profile: Ana Leticia Quintanilla Guerrero from Mexico
    7 June 2011

    Ana Leticia Quintanilla Guerrero is 19 and from Tampico in Mexico. She is studying general English at English UK member Shane Global in Hastings before starting her university course.

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