Agent News
  • Displaying 106 - 110 of 1360
  • Ending of travel restrictions boost StudyWorld spring event
    25 March 2022

    Our online event, attended by 58 educators and 105 agents and buyers from all over the world, included over 1,000 online meetings and seminar briefings and focused on promoting UK summer programmes.

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  • Teaching the teachers: how is PRELIM going in its second year?
    18 March 2022

    The second PRELIM scheme has £500,000 funding, supporting 40 ETAs which are working with 35 language centres. 

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  • Sisters from Afghanistan continuing their studies in the UK thanks to English UK members
    16 March 2022

    Sameera Safi was a fourth-year medical student when she and her family were forced to flee Afghanistan in late 2018.  

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  • Quarterly student statistics scheme data illustrates impact of the pandemic on UK ELT in 2021
    14 March 2022

    Top-level insights from the executive summary of English UK's QUIC 2021 statistics report show how sharply the Covid-19 pandemic affected UK ELT.

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  • Language schools appeal for Covid help from Scottish government
    9 March 2022

    The Scottish government is being urged to provide financial support already being given in England and Wales. 

    English UK Scotland has written to the government's Directorate for Covid Business Resilience and Support (SECBS) asking for its members to receive a share of a new fund provided by Westminster for businesses that have received no other Covid relief.

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