English UK news
  • Displaying 721 - 725 of 1442
  • What's the difference between coaching and mentoring?
    16 February 2017

    When should I use coaching and how do I go about setting up a coaching programme? What's my role and how do we get results? Director of Studies Dawn Harry will unpack these questions and explore goal setting and possible pitfalls at the English UK Management Conference next month.

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  • Just two more weeks of early bird rates for StudyWorld London
    13 February 2017

    We look forward to connecting English UK members to hundreds of serious agents and buyers from around the world on 4 – 6 September, at the QEII Centre.

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  • Bookings up – but don't let quality drop, ELT providers told at marketing conference
    9 February 2017

    It is vital for UK ELT providers to keep quality high during the current exchange rate-fuelled "short-term boom in bookings," English UK's chief executive has said.

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  • How to stop talking about yourself and start connecting with people
    23 January 2017

    In our daily interactions most of us know that the best way to engage with people is to focus on them, rather than just shout about how great we are.

    But when it comes to marketing, says award-winning copywriter and strategist Ruth Jamieson, this is something we all too often forget.

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  • What happens next will blow your mind: marketing to Generation Z and changing your organisation
    18 January 2017

    USPs are dead. Little of your polished marketing matters any more. It's time to kick the life-long habit of trying to sell your programmes, and focus instead on why anyone
    would want to buy them.

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