English UK: promoting quality English language learning in the UK
English UK: with 350+ members teaching quality English across the UK
Find out about the Copyright Licensing Agency's campaign and education license that covers English UK members
In March, UK education providers will have a high profile at the ICEF Mexico Colombia Roadshow. English UK is leveraging the Education is GREAT campaign to promote the UK education offer to student recruitment agents from Latin America. Will you be there?
Discover insights into UK ELT data and find out about funded programmes for students from Italy and Spain
With only weeks to go until Brexit, our industry needs as much clarity as possible about what will happen if there is a no-deal scenario.
Public reassurance that immigration policy makers are aware of the needs of the UK ELT sector came during a London event focusing on international education.
Discover and discuss cutting edge data and insights into the English language teaching industry at the English UK Marketing Conference this Friday.
Gain a competitive advantage by learning how to enhance your customer service
Take responsibility for the overall strategic direction of English UK - nominations to the English UK board are open.