English UK: promoting quality English language learning in the UK
English UK: with 350+ members teaching quality English across the UK
We want to hear stories from members about recent product development - what worked well, what were the challenges and what have you learnt along the way?
The PRELIM teacher training project, which has paired English UK members with English teacher associations all over the world, is moving into a new phase. in PRELIM 3 up to to 20 partnerships will be created between language centres and ETAs, working together to create resources designed specifically for overseas teachers to use in their own classrooms with their students.
Visitors from Colombia, Peru and Guyana will no longer need a visa to visit the UK for up to six months, from 9 November 2022.
PRELIM, the pioneering British Council-funded scheme pairing accredited ELT centres in the UK with English teacher associations (ETAs) around the world has now run twice, supporting hundreds of teachers to improve their skills and confidence.
West London English School (WLES) is one of English UK's smaller member centres - and yet in the past two years it has offered free tuition to around 90 refugees, working with the charity RefuAid.
The latest UK tourism insights, expert market and marketing sessions and how to create a feel-good and diverse workplace which boosts sales were all discussed during a very positive English UK marketing conference.