English UK: promoting quality English language learning in the UK
English UK: with 350+ members teaching quality English across the UK
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, we have compiled advice from speakers at the English UK Academic Conference to better understand the wellbeing of staff and students.
International educators have the chance to attend international trade events with Government support and funding channelled through English UK. A great opportunity as a significant proportion of last year's TAP grant recipients expected to do business worth up to £75,000 as a result of their participation.
From 13 May 2019, nationals from these countries entering the UK will be encouraged to use e-gates instead of seeing an immigration official.
The Eddie Byers Fund is now open to applications to fund projects that use English language teaching to change lives for the better.
Applicants must be registered UK charities looking for funding for a specific project or activity that uses English language teaching to enrich and support individuals and communities. The Eddie Byers Fund is a grant scheme that helps to change lives through learning.
We are excited to announce that explorer, author and filmmaker Benedict Allen will deliver the final plenary at this year's Annual Conference.