English UK: promoting quality English language learning in the UK
English UK: with 350+ members teaching quality English across the UK
New MPs, members of the House of Lords and government officials all attended a packed briefing about the value of ELT and FE international students to the UK on Wednesday 8 January.
Like all professions and industries, UK ELT centres and staff face questions and decisions around ethics and responsibility every day.
We look forward to discussing how a number of key issues of our time relate to, impact and can be supported by our UK ELT industry.
Do you or your colleagues want to indulge your passion for the English language and ELT?
Join us the ELT conference to discuss practice, strategic and global issues and trends.
Mill Hill Summer School offer residential English summer courses for students aged 12–17...
Thank you to all our members, partners and friends of UK ELT for working with us to help half a million students follow their dreams every year.