English UK news
  • Displaying 306 - 310 of 1440
  • UK Government Minister welcomes ELT students back to the UK
    29 July 2020

    Exports Minister Graham Stuart has written an open letter to international ELT students, welcoming them back to UK classrooms and recognising English UK and its members work on focussing on student safety and latest government guidance. 

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  • English UK's 2020 Student Statistics Report: continuing rise in student numbers in 2019
    29 July 2020

    The UK welcomed 1% more students last year than in 2018, continuing from the market rebound of 2017.

    The proportion of juniors rose to 54% of the total, and a quarter of all weeks were spent in London. Central England saw a 21% spike in student weeks, while Northern England was the best performer, with student weeks rising to 25,877, a rise of 9%.

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  • Spend five minutes helping English UK campaign for ELT recovery
    28 July 2020

    The English UK public affairs team are focused on campaigning, but the most effective way to get the message to Government is via local MPs, whose first duty is to their constituents. The Government and its officials have noticed the large number of letters coming in from and about ELT, so we need to keep this going.

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  • Covid-19 slashes UK ELT revenue by £510m
    24 July 2020

    The extent of the financial hit to UK ELT has been calculated for the first time in research done by English UK among its member centres.

    The research, carried out by Bonard in June, shows a £257m loss among the 145 participating centres. Extrapolating that figure to the entire membership equates to a loss of more than half a billion pounds for the first three quarters of 2020.

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  • Lords ask for immigration concessions for ELT during Bill debate
    23 July 2020

    The needs of UK ELT were raised in the House of Lords during the Second Reading of the Immigration Bill this week.

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