English UK news
  • Displaying 231 - 235 of 1440
  • PRELIM project: join the closing ceremony
    25 June 2021

    Project delivery partners English UK, British Council, and IATEFL will celebrate the success of the project, which provided language training over to 2,000 English language teachers across the world in 2020/21. And we will hear stories from some of the language centres and teachers that participated. 

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  • English UK members tell parliamentarians what help they need to survive
    25 June 2021

    MPs and peers will lobby the government with recommendations for supporting UK ELT after an evidence session discussing the impact of Covid-19 and Brexit on the sector. 

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  • Meet the new leaders of English UK's Board of Trustees
    24 June 2021

    Mark Rendell and Shoko Doherty have been voted the new chair and vice-chair of the English UK Board of Trustees. Both are active members of the ELT industry, running schools in England and Wales. They play a major role in representing the sector both locally and nationally, and believe their experience will be invaluable in helping the industry tackle the challenge of rebuilding after Covid-19 and the withdrawal of EU freedom of movement.

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  • Get ready for summer 2021 event helps members respond to fluctuating demands
    16 June 2021

    Our 'Get ready for summer' event focussed on the logistics and preparation needed for member to operate in summer 2021.

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  • Weekly update and Q&A not running on Friday 11 June
    9 June 2021

    There will be no weekly update and Q&A session on Friday 11 June.

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