EF Bristol
İletişim Nesma Ahmed
Adres Custom House, Queen Square, Bristol, Bristol, BS1 4JQ
Bölge South West England & Channel Islands
Telefon +44 117 9303500
Web sitesi www.ef.com/ilsd
E-posta nesma.ahmed@ef.com
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Merkezin tanıtımı

Bristol has a thriving student population made up by both national and international students. Located in a historic square in the heart of the city, EF International language Centre has all the amenities needed for successful studies abroad. This newly refurbished school offers you a great educational environment, complete with several computer labs, iPads, great communication room and onsite cafeteria.

The school offers general & intensive English language courses with year round start dates for adult and junior learners. EF Bristol also offers exam courses, internship, Academic Year Courses and Business English.

With a history of innovation, creativity and exploration, Bristol is a city with something interesting around every corner. Named as a ‘Science City’, it is famed for its inspirational engineers and university with a first class technical and science faculty. Bristol is a cultural centre with a buzzing live music scene, great restaurants and world-class museums.

  • Kursla ilgili bilgi
  • English Language

    Kurs çeşidi A. Genel ve Yoğun İngilizce
    Açık Olduğu Aylar Yıl Boyu, Ocak, Şubat, Mart, Nisan, Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz, Ağustos, Eylül, Ekim, Kasım, Aralık
    Kurs Süresi Esnek, 1-3 hafta, 3-8 hafta, 9-12 hafta, 12 haftadan fazla, 6 ay, bir yıl
    Yaş grubu 16-18, 18-22, 23+
    Kurs saatleri 16-20
    Ders ücretleri £300-449
    Sınıf mevcudu 18
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