연락처 Angela Carrasco
주소 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX
국가 United Kingdom
전화 +447500961362
웹 사이트 goqualifly.com/
이메일 a.carrasco@goqualifly.com

QualiFly, formerly EduPlanet Limited, is an educational consultancy for students from South America aiming to improve their language skills and experience living abroad.

With offices in Colombia (Bogotá), England (London) and México (Ciudad de México), QualiFly is not a traditional agency. We are market experts and educational consultants and we aim to integrate our partner institutions with our overall growth strategy.

This is done through planned recruitment campaigns, establishing and monitoring marketing budgets, maintaining strategic partnerships with other organizations. More specifically, we analyse potential business opportunities, we use innovative marketing to increase brand awareness of our partner institutions.

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