Displaying 416 - 420 of 628
Making networking work for you: meet the expert who's sharing his secrets at the English UK Marketing Conference
29 January 2014
Networking is a crucial marketing tool in the English language teaching sector: so what's your strategy? In Andy Lopata's session at the English UK Marketing Conference on Friday 7 February, he will be giving his advice on the best ways of using networking in the sector.
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Eavesdrop, then be helpful: the secrets of successful Twitter marketing to be unveiled at marketing conference
27 January 2014
What does Twitter mean to you? If it's the place where you follow Stephen Fry and Beyonce, then you and your business are missing out on a huge opportunity. Learn about the secrets of successful Twitter marketing at this years English UK Marketing Conference on Friday 7 February.
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Eddie Byers appointed new Chief Executive of English UK
24 January 2014
Global marketing expert Eddie Byers, who has held director-level posts at the British Council and VisitScotland, will take over as Chief Executive of English UK later in 2014.
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What would you do if George Clooney or Charlize Theron walked into your school?
20 January 2014
Does your language centre give good customer service? The best possible? Then what would you do if a celebrity walked in? That's the question Geoff Ramm will be asking delegates during the closing session of the English UK Marketing Conference in London on February 7 (whilst making everyone laugh a lot as well).
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Partner Agency Scheme: now easier to join for the world's best agents
16 January 2014
What's got members in 42 countries, helps the best agents to work with the best educators, and is getting bigger and better all the time? The answer is English UK's partner agency scheme.
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