Training news
  • Displaying 371 - 375 of 612
  • Action Research project transforms EFL teacher's career
    10 November 2014

    Judith Watkins, an EFL teacher from Sheffield College, is the overall winner of our first Action Research award.

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  • CPD: Find out how to make it useful for you at the English UK Teachers' Conference
    17 October 2014

    Silvana Richardson, who will be holding the closing plenary at the English UK Teachers' Conference next month, is a woman on a mission: she wants to help EL teachers get CPD which really makes a difference to their skills.

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  • Teacher or performer? Learn the difference and lots more at the English UK Teachers' Conference
    15 October 2014

    Jim Scrivener, who is providing the opening plenary for the English UK Teachers' Conference 2014, has observed a lot of English language lessons over the past few years - and what he's seen has led him to promote a rather different way of doing things.

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  • Wow your students with your social programme
    10 October 2014

    Clare Salomon shares her secrets on how to impress students with your social programme

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  • English UK focuses on the Asia Pacific region
    6 October 2014

    It's a busy few weeks for the English UK team as it concentrates on marketing to the Asia Pacific region in a series of events.

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