Training news
  • Displaying 346 - 350 of 612
  • Do you Tweet? Here's ten tips on how to get started… or get better
    26 June 2015

    There is lots of talk about Twitter in the media, but it's not always easy to work out whether you should be using it, or how to use it properly.

    Here's a few of the things we learned in our masterclass with Twitter expert Mark Shaw to get you started, or to help you use Twitter better.

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  • English UK members get useful tips for surviving summer
    23 June 2015

    A new English UK conference specifically for summer schools was so popular that it may become a regular event.

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  • What does the future hold for Business English, conference asks
    15 June 2015

    Ways in which business English may evolve in the future were a major theme of English UK's annual specialist conference for trainers.

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  • Call for proposals for undertaking English Language Market Reports on Mexico or the Gulf States
    10 June 2015

    We are currently calling for proposals from research consultants and authors for undertaking reports on Mexico or the Gulf States. These market intelligence reports will be the latest in our series produced for the accredited UK English language teaching sector with the aim  to help the sector engage with new, emerging and changing markets.

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  • New initiatives affecting all English UK members announced at Annual Conference
    15 May 2015

    A new membership model tailored more to the needs of different centres, and a series of free roadshow events visiting every region are among the first initiatives to come from our first-ever survey of members.

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