Training news
  • Displaying 126 - 130 of 611
  • UK travel update: Test to Release and returning home from the UK
    27 November 2020

    Details of England's 'Test to Release' strategy for international arrivals from countries not featured on the travel corridor list, and guidance for international students returnign home from the UK.

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  • English language organisations join forces to run major global teacher project
    25 November 2020

    English UK has partnered with other major English language organisations on a ground-breaking project to improve teaching standards in 20 countries.

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  • Supporting English UK member centres following recent changes to Covid-19 restrictions
    1 November 2020

    Following the recent and forthcoming changes to Covid-19 restrictions, English UK is supporting its member centres to remain open, aligned with government policy. We have published extensive guidance and provided training to members on how to operate Covid-19 secure English language teaching centres.

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  • StudyWorld moves online for January 2021, with new StudyWorld summer event added in March
    28 October 2020

    In order to be sure that we are able to reach as wide an audience as possible, StudyWorld will move online with two events in 2021: StudyWorld in January and StudyWorld summer in March.

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  • Training: Get results through coaching and mentoring
    30 September 2020

    What's the difference between coaching and mentoring? When should I use coaching and how do I go about setting up a coaching programme? What's my role and how do we get results? These are the type of questions that will be explored in Getting Results through Coaching and Mentoring.

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