Student News
  • Displaying 46 - 50 of 888
  • Covid-19 slashes UK ELT revenue by £510m
    24 July 2020

    The extent of the financial hit to UK ELT has been calculated for the first time in research done by English UK among its member centres.

    The research, carried out by Bonard in June, shows a £257m loss among the 145 participating centres. Extrapolating that figure to the entire membership equates to a loss of more than half a billion pounds for the first three quarters of 2020.

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  • Covid-19: MPs debate how to support UK ELT through crisis
    2 July 2020

    Covid-19's effect on UK ELT was discussed in a short but moving debate in Parliament this week, as MPs warmly praised the industry and asked the Government to extend the support it is providing.

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  • UK ELT and anti-racism: action group to be established
    8 June 2020

    Racism is unacceptable. As international educators working in the UK ELT sector, we strive to bring communities together. 

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  • Lockdown restrictions eased across the UK
    30 May 2020

    As lockdown restrictions are eased across the UK, owners and directors of ELT centres will be planning the date and nature of their re-opening for face-to-face teaching. This will not be the same for all.

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  • Home Office announces further visa extension
    22 May 2020

    Home office announces visa extension until 31 July 2020 for those currently in the UK who cannot return to their home country due to the Covid-19 pandemic

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