English UK's course finder: the best English language, culture and history, at 400+ accredited centres
English UK's course finder: your hotline to thousands of quality courses at 400+ accredited centres
English UK's course finder: committed to quality, so you can choose a course with confidence
Edinburgh College is one of Scotland's largest publicly-funded FE/HE Colleges, with around 26,000 students over our four campuses. Our campuses are situated within easy access of Edinburgh city centre and provide modern facilities and state of the art equipment and technology to help you to get the most out of your education. Our dedicated teaching staff have extensive experience of working with students from all over the world. We deliver a variety of English Language and Teacher Training courses at the Sighthill, Milton Road and Granton campuses throughout the year, and a successful Summer School programme at the Sighthill Campus. Edinburgh College is a UKVI Student Sponsor and is accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English in the UK.