Glocal School Education
In 2013, “Glocal School" was founded by Angel Chen, former CEO of OgilvyOne China, to provide discovery trips and immersion courses for Chinese kids around the globe. She believes that “THE WORLD WILL BECOME A BETTER PLACE, IF EVERY KID IS CAPABLE TO DISCOVER HIMSELF/HERSELF.”
Within four years, "Glocal (Global+Local)School” has become a well-known brand which helps enrich children’s after-school activities and extra-curricular experiences in China market. Our wide array of programs for children ages 5-17, which sit on the foundation of four pillars: Knowledge, Behavior, Capability and Relationship, help them develop skills for a successful future. Through our thoughtfully designed curriculum and an abundance of extra-curricular activities, we give our students an environment filled with expert guidance, plenty of options, and, of course, challenge. While on the trips, we strive to maintain a safe, secure and caring atmosphere in which every child feels mutual respect and fosters mature behavior. Our mission is to empower every child to thrive in a diverse and ever-changing world, by nurturing resilient character, providing individual mentorship, and inspiring joyful learning.
The world is our campus. Glocal School helps your child World-readiness.
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