PRELIM 3 project partnerships: a success story
11 October 2024

PRELIM 3 project partnerships: a success story

The third Partnered Remote Language Improvement project – PRELIM 3 – consisted of 25 partnerships between accredited UK English language teaching institutions (UKIs) and English Teacher Associations (ETAs) outside the UK.

Resources for teachers of English

From December 2022 until March 2024, the partners developed and disseminated packages of supplementary resources for teachers of English in each ETA context. The project was funded by the British Council and delivered in partnership with English UK and IATEFL. It was project-managed by NILE.

Positive results as indicators of success are met

At the start of the project, an external evaluator was engaged, and a monitoring and evaluation framework was developed, including project indicators of success with associated targets.

The success indicators were assessed through a series of evaluation reports produced throughout the project to assess the extent to which PRELIM 3 met its targets. The results presented are very positive – against 36 indicators of success defined in the evaluation framework for PRELIM 3, 28 were met, four were partially met, and four were not or could not be assessed.

In addition, feedback from ETAs and their teachers on the value of the resources was very positive.

Benefits for all project partners

UKIs and ETAs identified many benefits from participating in the project. Both parties reported improvements in knowledge and skills in relation to several areas of ELT materials design and evaluation, project management, international collaboration, working with remote partners, and (especially for the UKI) collecting and analysing feedback data. ETAs also noted how being part of the project had enhanced their local profile. They also felt that the project had confirmed or enhanced their views about the UK as a source of expertise in ELT.

The project report and individual country reports can be downloaded from the British Council's Teaching English website:

>> Download the PRELIM 3 project report and individual country reports

>> Read more about PRELIM 3 and those involved in the partnerships

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