Introducing BELTE
26 August 2009

BELTE (Brighton English Language Training Event) is a new event in the world of ELT. The rationale is to focus attention on the region as a centre of English Teaching excellence and is anticipated to be an informal event, rather than a ‘conference’, for teachers as well as managers. The idea is to drop in and be involved in the sessions that are interesting to you or just to browse books and the latest classroom technology.

Session speakers will range from Michael Swan asking ‘What is Grammar?’, through well-known teacher trainer/writers such as Paul Seligson and Luke Meddings, to exam specialists including Sam McCarter [IELTS] and Jane Allemano [FCE].  There are also a range of presentations based on the growth of IT in the classroom.

The function, at Studygroup’s impressive new centre adjacent to Brighton Station, will be opened by the mayor of Brighton and is supported by Studygroup and the Sussex Directors of Studies Association, the largest DoSA in the UK. The event supports Building Futures, the charity which builds new schools in disaster areas and although entrance is entirely FREE, attendees will be asked to make a donation. This event is open to all and no advanced registration will be needed for attendees.

For full details e-mail


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