Give evidence to a new inquiry on international students in the UK
4 July 2018

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on International Students has launched an inquiry into building a sustainable future for international students in the UK.

There are over 500,000 international students in primary, secondary and tertiary education, and over 580,000 students learning English, each year in the UK.

In 2016 our UK ELT sector had a total value of £1.4bn, supported 37,500 jobs, and contributed £236m to UK taxes. View our infographic: what do international students contribute to the UK?

"Our recommendations will pave the way for a positive approach to welcoming and retaining international students and the positive impacts they bring," said the committee's co-chair Lord Bilimoria.

The APPG will host two sessions in July and September to hear more detailed evidence including from UK and international students.

English UK member centres are encouraged to take part in this, the first-ever inquiry for the APPG. Contact them at

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