Looking for a qualification for those in your organisation working in student services? Look no further than the English UK Cert SSM, a unique course in the ELT industry aimed at student welfare and accommodation professionals with all levels of experience.
Bookings are now open for the 2017-2018 Cert SSM course starting in October in London.
The Cert SSM is taught through a mixture of seven classroom sessions and self-study, with a high level of personalised support during training sessions and tutorials. It is highly practical and delivered in a task-based format, covering all aspects of student management.
You will be assessed through coursework, and all the course topics are covered in a comprehensive distance learning pack.
Cert SSM modules include: Working Effectively within the Organisation; Organising Student Accommodation; Managing Student Accommodation; Care of under 18s; Welfare and Student Services; Legal Responsibilities and Customer Service.
- To book your place send a completed booking form to beth@englishuk.com or contact Beth for further information if you have any queries.
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