UKBA launches consultation on proposed new criteria for HTS
18 July 2011

The UK Border Agency have published their proposed new criteria for HTS today (Monday 18 July) and have launched a consultation on the proposals. The consultation period is very short - the closing date for sending in responses is 5 August 2011. Responses should be sent to:

To read more about the proposed criteria please visit:

 UKBA would like to draw English UK members' attention to the following proposals:

  • Sponsors who do not apply for HTS or educational oversight within the deadlines will become legacy sponsors and have their licences revoked in April 2012.
  • Sponsors failing HTS on a mandatory requirement will become legacy sponsors and have their licence revoked in April 2012.
  • Sponsors failing HTS on the core points assessment become legacy sponsors, but may reapply for HTS status after three months.  If they fail to achieve HTS by April 2012, their licences will be revoked.
  • Sponsors failing to meet the educational oversight requirements will become legacy sponsors and have their licences revoked in April 2012.

NB: Members who currently hold HTS status can only apply for a new licence up to 1 month before the expriry date of the current HTS licence.

At a recent sector meeting on the HTS proposals, it was agreed that  the refusals should be the lesser of the three components, and that all calculations should be based on 'refined' not 'raw' data. 'Refined' data would be where refusals that were due to the student not submitting the required paperwork are not counted in the figures. It was also agreed that non-enrolment should be based on students who were granted visas but who on entering the UK do not join the course or any other centre. Participants at the meeting were comfortable with the propsed completion rate. Members should know that the completion rate is the fact of getting to the end of the course - it does not have to be successful completion.

Members are therefore encouraged to respond to the consultation using the points above. Responses should be sent to by 5 August 2011.


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