You can start making appointments at StudyWorld now: here’s everything you need to know
12 July 2018

StudyWorld's meetings software is live and it's time to start filling your appointments.

But are you an expert on Marcom eSchedulePRO? Follow the expert advice from StudyWorld organiser Siobhan Baccas to get the best from the system.

Spend time on your profile

Check your profile listing on Marcom eSchedulePRO. How much detail does it give? Does it cover the courses or markets you're working in? Is it written clearly? Have you added a photo? Take some time to get it right, because…

Advanced search is your friend

What are you really looking for? Do you want specific courses in one city, or specialist agents from a particular region? Use the advanced search button to narrow it down and find the delegates you really want – lots of people forget it's there, says Siobhan.

Read the profile properly before sending a request

Is this really the best person for you to meet at StudyWorld? Do they match what you're looking for?

Is a delegate's schedule starting to fill up?

There's a small square beside their name on the list view – if half of it is blue, their appointments are filling up and you may need to get your request to them quickly. If it is all blue, they have no space.

Join the dots

This year, a small blue dot beside an agent's name on the list view means they're an English UK Partner Agent. Green dot? They're new to StudyWorld.

Don't fill all your appointments at once

There are three agent delegations – from China, Japan and Mexico – who won't appear on Marcom eSchedulePRO for a week or two even though they are attending. If you're interested in any of these markets, it's a good idea to hold back some appointment slots and keep checking Marcom eSchedulePRO.

Also, bookings are still open: over 10% of agents and a significant proportion of educators bought their places in August last year.

Create your own appointments booklet or spreadsheet

Keep track of your StudyWorld meetings and what happens in them by using Marcom eSchedulePRO to either create a printed booklet or an online spreadsheet. Whether it's online or on paper, you can make notes of each meeting, keep track of your appointments and much more, all with details of name, organisation and more exported from your own schedule.

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