English UK's Covid-19 position paper: calling on the government to help kickstart UK ELT
English UK's Covid-19 position paper, published in March 2021, calls on the government to help kickstart the UK ELT sector after Covid-19.
The document outlines the help we believe crucial for our sector's survival..
English language teaching was one of the first UK industries to be hit by Covid-19, and may be one of the last to recover.
Impact of Covid-19 on the UK ELT sector
Our Covid-19 impact report
published in March 2021 estimated that English UK member centres lost £590m in gross revenue overall in 2020. 91% of UK ELT jobs were affected, with 54% of the workforce released and an additional 18% of staff furloughed.
English UK's campaigning work
English UK is the national association of accredited English language centres in the UK. Campaigning on behalf of the English language teaching industry is a key focus of our work.