Almost 250 staff complete brand new training course
24 June 2024

Almost 250 staff complete brand new training course 

Our activity leader training course, launched at the start of June, has already been completed by 248 participants. In total, 350 participants have enrolled on the course in just three weeks.

The online course, free for anyone working at an English UK centre, has six 15-minute modules with questions on each one and a downloadable certificate on completion. Topics include working in a team, communicating effectively, developing leadership skills, dealing with difficult situations, being professional at work, and wellbeing.  

Great feedback

226 participants have given feedback to date, and of those:

  • 99% said the course met or exceeded their expectations
  • 88% agreed it would help them in their role
  • 87% said it was excellent or good (a further 12% said it was 'fair')

The course, created with Young Learners English UK, is intended for new activity leaders and as a refresher for more experienced staff. 

 Find out more: English UK's activity leader training course 






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