Reach your full potential with management training and a gender equality discussion
13 September 2019

Managing a team of teachers is a challenging and hopefully rewarding experience. Our daily decisions have many impacts on others, so it is important to ensure that we are managing ourselves and our teams in the best possible way to obtain the full potential from everyone.

To help, an English UK training day providing the tools and fresh ideas managers need in an ever-changing industry, will be followed by a special evening event on how we hold ourselves back and what we can do to overcome it.

Both events are held in Exeter on Thursday 26 September 2019.

Managing to succeed: training with outstanding feedback

10:00 - 17:00, Thursday 26 September | Exeter

Fiona Dunlop, principal of Wimbledon School of English, will consider managers' stress, time management and CPD needs and how this trickles down to our team and leads to success within our organisations. How do we record success or know when success is on the turn? The session will look at real scenarios and be a chance to share experiences on how to manage under performance.

  • Managing to succeed | International Projects Centre, Exeter
    10:00 - 17:00, Thursday 26 September

Fiona has decades of experience in ELT, including her work as an academic manager, principal, a leading figure in leadership organisations and a star conference speaker and trainer. read more about trainer Fiona Dunlop +

Training rated 9/10 or above

This day has run around the country to outstanding feedback. Our trainees said:

  • "The session was interesting and encouraged reflection about yourself and your team - gave new ideas and new ways of thinking about development."
  • "It was one of the best talks I have attended."
  • "Very practical, useful, engaging."

English UK members can book places for only £80 by entering their member number in the promotional code box in the 'Select tickets' section on Eventbrite.

Self-sabotage and how to avoid it

17:30 -19:00, Thursday 26 September | Exeter

We are pleased to announce a special Lead5050 event in the evening following the training day. Lead5050 raises the profile of women in the international education industry and facilitates them into positions of leadership.

There are many issues that hinder women on the way to the top of the workplace, but one that is not often talked about is how we hinder ourselves. Join Lead5050 co-founder Ella Tyler and Fiona Dunlop to discuss the ways we hold ourselves back and what we can do to overcome it at:

This is a free taster session to experience the benefits of Lead5050 associate membership.

Places are free for the evening and everyone is welcome. When registering for Managing to Succeed, you can add Lead5050 Circle Live as an additional item to sign up for both at once. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



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